Friday, May 8, 2009

Presentation on the result of the monitoring and evaluation of the project SfR

A research team of CEDAC conducted a monitoring and evaluation of the project SfR (Saving for Self-Reliance project) for a few months and today on May 08, 2008 the result of this monitoring was presented to the participants including I myself (Yim Sok Sophors), other CEDAC staff from other departments/units, staff of Oxfam-America, etc.

Based on the presentation, I could learn some information relating to the real situation of the project SfR in the field, especially to know about the impact of the project to the the livelihood improvement of the cooperating farmers (including the poorest, poor, medium and better-off). However, I see that the presentation was not so detail, the presenters should prepare and set priority information/main finding for the presentation. Furthermore, during the presentation, I could see that many useful questions were raised among the participants, those questions are helpful for the project team and CEDAC to consider the future strategy to improve the progress and effectiveness of this project.
  1. What are the reasons of dissolved saving groups? How about the members of those dissolved saving groups? Do they become the members of other existing saving groups or not?
  2. How do the strong saving group consider about the dissolved saving group in their village? Do the poorest families saving group should be formed with the participation of among the poorest families only or mix with medium families?
  3. Are there any potential to increase the number of members of saving groups?
  4. How many families or percentage of families who not yet the members of saving groups?
  5. Why do some villages have only one saving groups since the beginning up to now?
  6. How to attract the poorest families to be a part of saving group?
  7. Should we start to form saving groups with those who are interested in?
  8. What is the impact of saving group to domestic violence?
Click here to see the detail information of the presentation