Friday, June 26, 2009

Progress report of climate change negotiation in Bon

Click here to download the document on climate change...

The document is very useful and helpful to learn about the negative effect of climate change to the human being... I think that it is really good that CEDAC has been strongly working to promote family ecological agriculture, it is a long term sustainability. As we have recently discussed during the meeting of FNP, there are many agriculture techniques promoted by CEDAC and all of them are significantly contributing to climate change mitigation and adaptation. Additionally, based on the document, I could learn well about the advantages of the ocean to the people livelihood, it is closely connected to the livelihood of the people as the world’s oceans cover over two thirds of the Earth’s surface and contain over 90% of the world’s biomass. Furthermore, I could know that because of the climate change, about 200 million people worldwide could become climate migrants by 2050, etc.