The M&E team meeting was conducted on August 07, 2009 at CEDAC office. Miss Pheng Chandy, Meas Somica, Chhin Chhunhoir, Leng Huch, Phor Phira, Nuon Piseth, Vang Seang, Hay Leakhena, Eung Seng, Sin Phoan Ly Kesa and Yim Sok Sophors attended the meeting. Generally, we have shared the information on the activities and results that have been accomplished in July 2009. The activity plan for August 2009 was also prepared during the meeting. It is to note that Mr. Chhin Chhunhoir and Mr. Nuon Piseth have presented how to link the document and MIS system of the project SfR (Saving for Self-Reliance).
It was interesting to learn about that as the participants are working involved in that task. It is expected that the training on this skill will be held as soon as possible so that the participants can learn and apply for improving their work effectively. On the other hand, the team members plan to conduct the study on impact of global financial crisis to the livelihood of farmers in PRS-EU project, Kampong Speu province next month.