Tuesday, October 13, 2009

CEDAC strategic meeting at Cambodianna Hotel

On 12-13 October 2009, I participated in a strategic meeting of CEDAC at Cambodianna Hotel in Phnom Penh. Around 24 senior staff of CEDAC attended the meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to develop the strategic plan of CEDAC from 2010-2014.

First of all, the participants determined their expectation in relation to the meeting. Later, it is to note that revision of CEDAC's images both positive and negative in the last 5 years, at the present and images of CEDAC in 2014 is reviewed and determined during the meeting. Furthermore, the social mission was also discussed both in the last 5 years and expectation in 5 years later was actively discussed. At the second day of the meeting, the participants discussed about vision, mission, results and determined key strategies and activities to achieve the results.

According to the result of the meeting,I felt that the future images of CEDAC i n 2014 is clear determined. The preparation is well prepared and reliable. I think that CEDAC will achieve more fruitful results in the future.