From 23-27 March 2010, Mr Yi Kim Than and Mr. Yim Sok Sophors conducted a field mission to the project titled “Improving Food Security for the Most Vulnerable Women and Rural Poor in Mundulkiri Province”. The mission aimed to assess the project progress and to give comment on the project implementation as well as to build up the knowledge and capacity of the project staff in carrying out this project.

Mr. Yi Kim Than, Mr. Yim Sok Sophors and other project staffs visited as a farmer leader in Chi Klob village to ask and discuss with them about the progress his family and the village after cooperating with CEDAC’s project (Agriculture Livelihood Project for the Sok San Indigenous Community). During the discussion with the farmer, it was able to know that the collective saving groups are being progressed, there are more indigenous farmers interested to be the members of the collective saving groups. Furthermore, we also discussed about the establishment of rice bank with that farmer as well. The construction of rice store is being conducted.

It was able to see that the vegetable growing have been adopted and adapted by the indigenous people. The indigenous people previously didn’t know how to grow vegetables very well especially during the dry season. The indigenous farmers faced to the shortage of food for family consumption before existing of the project. But now they can grow vegetables for family consumption, they reduced expense on food, etc.

During the mission, we visited some villages in Koh Ngiek district, those visited villages are Chi Klob and Klang Lei in Sok San commune and Sre Huoy and Chhuol in Sre Huoy commune. On 26 March 2010, we provided and discussed with the project team related to what we have found during the field visit. The recommendations to improve the project performance were provided at the end of the mission.

Mr. Yi Kim Than, Mr. Yim Sok Sophors and other project staffs visited as a farmer leader in Chi Klob village to ask and discuss with them about the progress his family and the village after cooperating with CEDAC’s project (Agriculture Livelihood Project for the Sok San Indigenous Community). During the discussion with the farmer, it was able to know that the collective saving groups are being progressed, there are more indigenous farmers interested to be the members of the collective saving groups. Furthermore, we also discussed about the establishment of rice bank with that farmer as well. The construction of rice store is being conducted.

It was able to see that the vegetable growing have been adopted and adapted by the indigenous people. The indigenous people previously didn’t know how to grow vegetables very well especially during the dry season. The indigenous farmers faced to the shortage of food for family consumption before existing of the project. But now they can grow vegetables for family consumption, they reduced expense on food, etc.

During the mission, we visited some villages in Koh Ngiek district, those visited villages are Chi Klob and Klang Lei in Sok San commune and Sre Huoy and Chhuol in Sre Huoy commune. On 26 March 2010, we provided and discussed with the project team related to what we have found during the field visit. The recommendations to improve the project performance were provided at the end of the mission.