On 7 May 2010, with funding support from Catholic Relief Services (CRS), CEDAC in collaboration with WOSO, FLD, and PNKS which are the partner NGOs of CRS in implementing the project Civil Society and Pro-Poor Market (CSPPM) organized a workshop on Rice Value Chain Study in Kompot and Kompot Speu Province. The purpose of the workshop was to present the result of rice value chain study in Kompot and Kompong Speu Provinces. It is to notice that the study was conducted by representatives of the Community Based Organizations (CBOs) in both provinces. Totally, 72 participants (20 women) composed of government officials, CBO representatives, farmer representatives, students…participated in the workshop.
First of all, Mr. Eric Vandenbrink from CRS and Mr. Keum Veasna from Asia Foundation provided the opening speech of the workshop. At the beginning of the presentation, Mr. Yim Sok Sophors presented the methodology of the study to the participants in order to make the participants understand about the rational background, objectives and how to conduct this study. The CBO representatives then presented the result of the study on rice value chain to the participants in each studied province. CEDAC’s staff Mr. Chhong Sophal conducted final presentation on the result of the study.

Finally, CEDAC President Dr. Yang Saing Koma conducted a synthesis on the result of the study by discussing the result of the study with the participants in plenary. Several Questions were developed and discussed among the participants in order to come up with strategic ideas for promoting rice value chain in the near future.
In conclusion, this workshop provided more knowledge to the participants and they are strongly interested to the topics. It is to notice that the district authorities are strongly interested in setting up rice farmer producer groups or community based rice mills in their respective districts in order to promote the rice market.
First of all, Mr. Eric Vandenbrink from CRS and Mr. Keum Veasna from Asia Foundation provided the opening speech of the workshop. At the beginning of the presentation, Mr. Yim Sok Sophors presented the methodology of the study to the participants in order to make the participants understand about the rational background, objectives and how to conduct this study. The CBO representatives then presented the result of the study on rice value chain to the participants in each studied province. CEDAC’s staff Mr. Chhong Sophal conducted final presentation on the result of the study.

Finally, CEDAC President Dr. Yang Saing Koma conducted a synthesis on the result of the study by discussing the result of the study with the participants in plenary. Several Questions were developed and discussed among the participants in order to come up with strategic ideas for promoting rice value chain in the near future.
In conclusion, this workshop provided more knowledge to the participants and they are strongly interested to the topics. It is to notice that the district authorities are strongly interested in setting up rice farmer producer groups or community based rice mills in their respective districts in order to promote the rice market.