On 11 June 2010, over than 100 staff of CEDAC Field Program met and discussed actively during its general assembly at the Multi-Purpose Hall of CJCC (Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center). The general assembly is systematically conducted in every 6 months to sum up the progresses/achievements, lessons-learned and key strategies to be implemented for the next semester. The organization of this event is very important because the staff can understand the general progress of the projects/program and they also know well the strategies and key activities for the next implementation.

Representatives of each project of CEDAC Field Program presented their achievements, lessons-learned to one another, it is to notice that there are 26 development projects has been carrying out by the program at the current time. Questions and answers among the participants were conducted in plenary during the assembly. In addition, Dr. Yang Saing Koma CEDAC President also shared his ideas with all of the participants regarding to the future implementation of the program. Generally, the program will continues helping the farmers to improve agricultural production through the promotion of family ecological agriculture, improve access to financial services for agricultural investment and the investment of community-led business activities, improve marketing services (Agri-business) through formation of farmer producer groups and linking to markets, etc. Furthermore, the program will also take more effort to strengthen ALDA (Agriculture and Local Development Association) in order to make sure that ALDA will become a very good development partners in the communities. The capacity building will be focused on practical management and leadership, how to help ALDA to access grants for community development activities. and more.
In conclusion, the participants understand clearly about their potentials as well as the potentials of the communities in order to use all of their potentials to achieve objectives and goal.

Representatives of each project of CEDAC Field Program presented their achievements, lessons-learned to one another, it is to notice that there are 26 development projects has been carrying out by the program at the current time. Questions and answers among the participants were conducted in plenary during the assembly. In addition, Dr. Yang Saing Koma CEDAC President also shared his ideas with all of the participants regarding to the future implementation of the program. Generally, the program will continues helping the farmers to improve agricultural production through the promotion of family ecological agriculture, improve access to financial services for agricultural investment and the investment of community-led business activities, improve marketing services (Agri-business) through formation of farmer producer groups and linking to markets, etc. Furthermore, the program will also take more effort to strengthen ALDA (Agriculture and Local Development Association) in order to make sure that ALDA will become a very good development partners in the communities. The capacity building will be focused on practical management and leadership, how to help ALDA to access grants for community development activities. and more.
In conclusion, the participants understand clearly about their potentials as well as the potentials of the communities in order to use all of their potentials to achieve objectives and goal.