On 09-10 December 2008, Mr. Kin Mengse (Program officer of CEDAC), Mr. San Sorn (the project staff of the Improvement of the most Vulnerable Families for Protection of Human Trafficking and Unsafe Migration), and Mr. Yim Sok Sophors (Project Manager) have conductd a internal monitoring for this project in purpose of understanding the general progress of the proejct especially to seek for strategies in progressing the project.
7 cooperating farmers were interviewed individually in 2 villages of 2 communes. It is to note most of them have applied the technique they have learned from the project, that is vegetable growing technique. Currently, they have prepared the vegetable garden and have grown some local varieties inside their homestead area. Remarkably, some farmers have not only use for family consumption, but also sell vegetable to neigboring farmilies to get further income for the families. One family that we have met during the monitoring raised that they have used money for selling of vegetable for their daily life, such as expense for children tuition, foods, etc.
Now, it is a good time for vegetable growing, so there will more farmers grow vegetable after they have completed rice harvesting in December.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Meeting at IDE Office, Phnom Penh
On 08 December 2008, I participated in a series meeting at IDE office from 2:30-5:00pm. The meeting consisted of totally 8 peoples which included 5 from IDE (among them 2 are foreigner technical advisors), 2 from PADEK , and 1 from CEDAC. The meeting aimed to follow up the progress of PEA selection process and to discuss on the preparation for the first meeting with interested PEA candidates that will be held in Svay Rieng and Prey Veng provinces on 16-17 December 2008.
At the inception phase of the meeting, each of NGO partner such as IDE, PADEK and CEDAC has shared the general overview of the progress of PEA selection process in each responsible target areas. I could know that there were only 3 people called to IDE by its radio broadcasting program but PADEK and CEDAC could get higher number of candidates who are interested of being PEAs which is around 4-5 interested farmers per commune have applied so far. However, the numbers of farmers who have applied for being PEAs have not yet been gathered by the project’s staff in some other communes so the information will be lastly updated on December 12, 2009. A step forward after sharing an overview of the progress in the field, Mr. Ros Kimsan, operational manger of IDE has presented the slides that he is going to present during the first meeting with interested PEA candidates.
Ultimately, we all who were in the meeting jointly decided the following points:
•There will be only 2 days for the first meeting with interested PEA candidates that 2 meetings will be organized in Svay Rieng province (one meeting at the morning and another at the afternoon) and another in Prey Veng
•One meeting will be organized in Kompong Trabek district, Prey Veng province with the invitation of interested PEA candidates from Baphnom and Prash Sdach districts as well.
•Mr. Sieng Kan, IDE’s staff, will inform to CEDAC and PADEK about the name of communes will be invited in the particular meeting (schedule and meeting venue)
•CEDAC and PADEK will send the name list of total interested PEA candidates to IDE on December 12, 2008.
At the inception phase of the meeting, each of NGO partner such as IDE, PADEK and CEDAC has shared the general overview of the progress of PEA selection process in each responsible target areas. I could know that there were only 3 people called to IDE by its radio broadcasting program but PADEK and CEDAC could get higher number of candidates who are interested of being PEAs which is around 4-5 interested farmers per commune have applied so far. However, the numbers of farmers who have applied for being PEAs have not yet been gathered by the project’s staff in some other communes so the information will be lastly updated on December 12, 2009. A step forward after sharing an overview of the progress in the field, Mr. Ros Kimsan, operational manger of IDE has presented the slides that he is going to present during the first meeting with interested PEA candidates.
Ultimately, we all who were in the meeting jointly decided the following points:
•There will be only 2 days for the first meeting with interested PEA candidates that 2 meetings will be organized in Svay Rieng province (one meeting at the morning and another at the afternoon) and another in Prey Veng
•One meeting will be organized in Kompong Trabek district, Prey Veng province with the invitation of interested PEA candidates from Baphnom and Prash Sdach districts as well.
•Mr. Sieng Kan, IDE’s staff, will inform to CEDAC and PADEK about the name of communes will be invited in the particular meeting (schedule and meeting venue)
•CEDAC and PADEK will send the name list of total interested PEA candidates to IDE on December 12, 2008.
RIU Prey Veng
Mr. Yim Sok Sophors went to Prey Veng and Svay Rieng province from 3-5 Dec 08 in order to meet with YCLs and CFA who is working for the project Linking Farmers with Market for Rural Prosperity in Baphnom district, Prey Veng province and Svay Chrum district, Svay Rieng provinces. Some activities have been done at Baphnom such as:
Meeting with YCLs
We have discussed to prepared activity work plan for the project Linking Farmers with Market for Rural Prosperity in December 2008. Several key activities are highlighted as follows:
-Organizing village general meeting in 7 villages that have not yet been organized
-Announcement to recruit farmers who are interested to be PEA (Private Extension Agent) for the project Lining Farmers with Market for Rural Prosperity
-Participating in workshop that will be organized by IDE (International Development Enterprises) in Prey Veng and Svay Rieng to select potential PEAs.
-YCL and CFA will organize group meeting with vegetable farmer producer groups in Baphnom and Kompong Trabek district, Prey Veng province. In Svay Rieng, YCL is going to continue working on organizing village general meeting due to this activity has not been accomplished
-2 cases studied written by YCL and CFA will be produced in this month
-Additionally, the project’s staffs also planned to conduct individual follow up visit to the target families as well, several questions will be raised during the discussion with them in order to seek for understanding on the situation of vegetable growing in those target families,
-1 YCL in Svay Rieng, named “Chhim Veasna” probably would like to resign from work due to he is sick and unable to continue working, he will inform me in December 2008 after the result of health check come out,
Additionally, I would like to emphasize that the main activity relating to RIU/ICF project in this month is mainly focused on selection of PEA (Private Extension Agency) who are the input suppliers to farmer producer groups.
2.Based on San Sorn (Farmer Community Facilitator in Svay Rieng province), Mr. Prak Sereyvath called him to host a visit from a group of people consist of 2 French and 1 Khmer-French nationality so he spend one day to host them as that group wanted to visite a commune in Svay Chrum district in order to set up a project relating to vegetable growing and they also wanted to include schoolteachers in the project as well. Based on San Sorn, the project will start in 2009.
Meeting with YCLs
We have discussed to prepared activity work plan for the project Linking Farmers with Market for Rural Prosperity in December 2008. Several key activities are highlighted as follows:
-Organizing village general meeting in 7 villages that have not yet been organized
-Announcement to recruit farmers who are interested to be PEA (Private Extension Agent) for the project Lining Farmers with Market for Rural Prosperity
-Participating in workshop that will be organized by IDE (International Development Enterprises) in Prey Veng and Svay Rieng to select potential PEAs.
-YCL and CFA will organize group meeting with vegetable farmer producer groups in Baphnom and Kompong Trabek district, Prey Veng province. In Svay Rieng, YCL is going to continue working on organizing village general meeting due to this activity has not been accomplished
-2 cases studied written by YCL and CFA will be produced in this month
-Additionally, the project’s staffs also planned to conduct individual follow up visit to the target families as well, several questions will be raised during the discussion with them in order to seek for understanding on the situation of vegetable growing in those target families,
-1 YCL in Svay Rieng, named “Chhim Veasna” probably would like to resign from work due to he is sick and unable to continue working, he will inform me in December 2008 after the result of health check come out,
Additionally, I would like to emphasize that the main activity relating to RIU/ICF project in this month is mainly focused on selection of PEA (Private Extension Agency) who are the input suppliers to farmer producer groups.
2.Based on San Sorn (Farmer Community Facilitator in Svay Rieng province), Mr. Prak Sereyvath called him to host a visit from a group of people consist of 2 French and 1 Khmer-French nationality so he spend one day to host them as that group wanted to visite a commune in Svay Chrum district in order to set up a project relating to vegetable growing and they also wanted to include schoolteachers in the project as well. Based on San Sorn, the project will start in 2009.
Monday, December 1, 2008
RIU/ICF Baphnom, Prey Veng
24-25 November 2008: Mr. Yim Sok Sophors, the project manager of RIU/ICF (CEDAC) went to Baphnom district, Prey Veng province in order to review the project's progress with 2 market chain officers. Additionally, he also participated to a village general meeting at Trapaing Seka village of Sdao Koang commune.
Based on the discussion with market chain officers, generally there were around 25-30attended in each meeting and there are at least 10 farmers are interested in the project, they would like to join the vegetable farmer producer groups that will be faciliated by the project.
Based on the discussion with market chain officers, generally there were around 25-30attended in each meeting and there are at least 10 farmers are interested in the project, they would like to join the vegetable farmer producer groups that will be faciliated by the project.
Mission to Prey Veng
26-27 November 2008: I went to Svay Rieng and Prey Veng provinces to work for the project IOM. During working there, I also went to Sithor Kandal district to see the general progress of the project. generally we could see that cooperating farmers have been preparing and applying the technique of vegetable growing they have learned from the project's staff.
Duringt the visit, Mr. San Sorn also distributed some vegetable seeds to farmers who have already prepared the vegetable garden so that they can use it for diversifying their crops as they have some own seeds. In addition to vegetable growing, it is expected that the number of cooperating farmers who grow vegetable will be increased significantly after rice harvesting, farmers will have sufficient time to involve in growing vegetable.
Duringt the visit, Mr. San Sorn also distributed some vegetable seeds to farmers who have already prepared the vegetable garden so that they can use it for diversifying their crops as they have some own seeds. In addition to vegetable growing, it is expected that the number of cooperating farmers who grow vegetable will be increased significantly after rice harvesting, farmers will have sufficient time to involve in growing vegetable.
Meeting RIU/ICF
27 November 2008: Mr. Lang Seng Horng, Mr. Bun Penhpheak and I (Mr. Yim Soksophors) myself have attended a meeting with PADEK and IDE in term of the project RIU/ICF. Generally, we have continued to debate on PEA selection from the last meeting, such as schedule of PEA selection process, outline for the workshop and who will be involved, etc.
Ultimately, we are clear on what what we are going to do and the next meeting will be held on 09 December 2008. However, there is a need of discussion about the principles relating to the training topics to PEAs (Private Extension Agent) as well as the business of PEA relating to chemical fertilizer and pesticide. It is to note that CEDAC is a local NGOs working to promote family ecological agriculture so that this project needs to design based on the policy and stand of CEDAC in term of agriculture and rural development.
Ultimately, we are clear on what what we are going to do and the next meeting will be held on 09 December 2008. However, there is a need of discussion about the principles relating to the training topics to PEAs (Private Extension Agent) as well as the business of PEA relating to chemical fertilizer and pesticide. It is to note that CEDAC is a local NGOs working to promote family ecological agriculture so that this project needs to design based on the policy and stand of CEDAC in term of agriculture and rural development.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Team spirit for RTK team at PICNIC
From 17-20 November 2008, i have attended the team spirit training for Ratanakiri team from Ratanakiri province. It was nice to learn about the leadership skill of Gandhi through watching the film of Gandhi. I think that most of us have understood well about the leadership style and strategy to freedom of India through watching it.
Additionally to complement what we have learned from Gandhi film, the film of animal farm was showed after dinner at the evening as well, so that participants could distinguish and get more critical points for consideration relating to both films. Furthermore, i think that the training provided a good opportunity to build up the relationship among the staff that it will contribute to the team progress and effectiveness of their work. The solidarity among the team members would be strengthened during that time. Moreover, we have thought about the future plan so that we could know where we want to go. The sources of resource was taken into account in order to achieve our objectives.
Additionally to complement what we have learned from Gandhi film, the film of animal farm was showed after dinner at the evening as well, so that participants could distinguish and get more critical points for consideration relating to both films. Furthermore, i think that the training provided a good opportunity to build up the relationship among the staff that it will contribute to the team progress and effectiveness of their work. The solidarity among the team members would be strengthened during that time. Moreover, we have thought about the future plan so that we could know where we want to go. The sources of resource was taken into account in order to achieve our objectives.
Friday, November 14, 2008
RIU/ICF Baphnom district,
On 07 November 2008, Mr. YIM Sok Sophors went to Baphnom district, Prey Veng province to work for the project RIU/ICF (Linking Farmers to Market for Rural Prosperity). During that time, Mr. YIM Sok Sophors who is the project manager of this project met 2 market chain officers (Mr. Nin Chhay and Ms. Houl Sokun) to discuss with them about the introduction of the project RIU/ICF, developing activity work plan with all of them, budget planning for field operation, discussed on the job description for each of them, etc.
Additionally, during the meeting, all of participants have also discussed to determine the target villages of the project as well, especially select them from the target communes that we have joint agreement with IDE. Ultimately, all of the project staff were clear about the activity that the project is going to complete in this month and the specific activity schedule was developed so that it is easy to follow up the progress of our field work. Return back at the evening to Phnom Penh with Mr. Tath Sok and Miss. Luy Theary, those are working involved in promoting saving for self reliant project. We all have arrived Phnom Penh about 6 PM at Chbar Ampov bridge.
Additionally, during the meeting, all of participants have also discussed to determine the target villages of the project as well, especially select them from the target communes that we have joint agreement with IDE. Ultimately, all of the project staff were clear about the activity that the project is going to complete in this month and the specific activity schedule was developed so that it is easy to follow up the progress of our field work. Return back at the evening to Phnom Penh with Mr. Tath Sok and Miss. Luy Theary, those are working involved in promoting saving for self reliant project. We all have arrived Phnom Penh about 6 PM at Chbar Ampov bridge.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
EU proposal training
From 4-6 November 2008, the training workshop on proposal writing was organized at Cambodianna Hotel with the participation of 60 participants from around 30 local NGOs. I myself have also attended the training with Mr. Sim Sameun, director of FNP-CEDAC. The topics of the training was focused on:
-what is the project?
-project cycle management
-project idea and project design
-logical framework
-guideline of EC proposal writing
Usually, i have learned more about how to design a project, epecially to learn about the logical framework. I think that the lessons is well prepared and it is useful. Relating to my impression, i think that unless we have practiced it so that we actually can boost the skill and capacity of writing proposal. If we don't practice it, we will still not be able to do that effectively.
-what is the project?
-project cycle management
-project idea and project design
-logical framework
-guideline of EC proposal writing
Usually, i have learned more about how to design a project, epecially to learn about the logical framework. I think that the lessons is well prepared and it is useful. Relating to my impression, i think that unless we have practiced it so that we actually can boost the skill and capacity of writing proposal. If we don't practice it, we will still not be able to do that effectively.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Mission to Svay Rieng
From 29-31 October 2008, I went to Svay Rieng to join the workshop with IOM project in Khset communes, Kompong Ror district. It was good time to see and listen the presentation in the workshop.
During that time, i also discuss with Mr. Chhim Veasna about new project RIU and financial report of this project.
During that time, i also discuss with Mr. Chhim Veasna about new project RIU and financial report of this project.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Exposure visit of Cambodian Red Cross

An exposure visit was organized with the participation of 23 staff of Cambodian Red Cross on 28 October 2008. The visit was taken place in Tramkak district, Takeo province in the target area of CEDAC's project, called "Avian Influenza Behavior Change).
3 farmers were visited separately in term of ecological chicken raising, understanding on avian influenza, and chickne producer group and marketing. During the visit, the participants have discussed and shared the practical experience among each other and many questions were raised.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Coordinating Team Meeting of FNP
On 27 October 2008: CEDAC has organized a one-day coordinating team meeting of field program. 17 project officers who work for FNP participated in the meeting to share the project's progress and other relevent things. Additionally, the participants have discussed about rice seed storage, data collection on food security and presentation on primilinary result of the study on food security, etc.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Senior staff meeting on Leadership
On 23-24 October 2008, a senior-staff meeting was organized under the facilitation by Dr. Yang Saing Koma, the president of CEDAC. The meeting aimed to strengthen the capacity and knowledge of leadership skill.
Participants have watched the film of Gandhi in order to do reflection of his leadership. At the end of the meeting, all participants have learned well about the leadership skill especially we have reflected to what we have done and got some critial idea to improve the cooperation among each other effectively.
Participants have watched the film of Gandhi in order to do reflection of his leadership. At the end of the meeting, all participants have learned well about the leadership skill especially we have reflected to what we have done and got some critial idea to improve the cooperation among each other effectively.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
My visit to Svay Rieng
On October 16, 2008 I was in Svay Rieng province to provide the support to Mr. San Sorn, the farmer community facilitator of the project “Improvement of the most Vulnerable Families for protection of human trafficking and unsafe migration”.
1. Review the activity work plan of October 2008
The monthly work plan was reviewed during my presence in Svay Rieng, normally we discussed to determine which activities have being done on tract and which activities are not being implemented yet and which reasons.
-It is to note that the number of interested farmers is only 335, so the project needs to select other 465 farmers to fulfill 800 total beneficiaries.
-So far, the project has organized 5 group training for the experimented farmers with the participation of 141 (97 women).
-24 key farmers were selected, the total expected key farmers will be selected is 42, in other word, 3 key farmers per village.
In total, 45% of the monthly activity plan has achieved starting from 01-16 October 2008. Therefore, we hopefully the rest of the activities will be completed on time as we have other 2 weeks for operation.
2. Individual interview and group training for experimented farmers
At the same day, I have interviewed 2 farmers, in Thom village, Thnot commune, Kompong Ror district, Svay Rieng province, who are suitable to select as key farmers. Generally, we have interviewed them about their understanding on the project, the agricultural techniques and their commitment to work as key farmers.
Additionally, we have visited the farms developed by those farmers in order to see their practice recently. We could observe that one of them is conducting a good practice in term of preparing vegetable garden and the farm of another one is not good due to the effect of flood.
Later on, we have organized one-group training for approximately 20 experimented farmers on the topic of introduction to vegetable production. The main topics of the training are illustrated as below:
-Advantages of growing vegetable and economic analysis
-Reading the case studied from farmer magazine related to vegetable production of a good farmer
-Method of producing solid compost and liquid compost
-The next training will be in-detail
The project staff will more often to conduct individual follow-up advice to those above interested farmers to improve their innovations practice. A few among them are the potential farmers who are able to play role as key farmers.
1. Review the activity work plan of October 2008
The monthly work plan was reviewed during my presence in Svay Rieng, normally we discussed to determine which activities have being done on tract and which activities are not being implemented yet and which reasons.
-It is to note that the number of interested farmers is only 335, so the project needs to select other 465 farmers to fulfill 800 total beneficiaries.
-So far, the project has organized 5 group training for the experimented farmers with the participation of 141 (97 women).
-24 key farmers were selected, the total expected key farmers will be selected is 42, in other word, 3 key farmers per village.
In total, 45% of the monthly activity plan has achieved starting from 01-16 October 2008. Therefore, we hopefully the rest of the activities will be completed on time as we have other 2 weeks for operation.
2. Individual interview and group training for experimented farmers
At the same day, I have interviewed 2 farmers, in Thom village, Thnot commune, Kompong Ror district, Svay Rieng province, who are suitable to select as key farmers. Generally, we have interviewed them about their understanding on the project, the agricultural techniques and their commitment to work as key farmers.
Additionally, we have visited the farms developed by those farmers in order to see their practice recently. We could observe that one of them is conducting a good practice in term of preparing vegetable garden and the farm of another one is not good due to the effect of flood.
Later on, we have organized one-group training for approximately 20 experimented farmers on the topic of introduction to vegetable production. The main topics of the training are illustrated as below:
-Advantages of growing vegetable and economic analysis
-Reading the case studied from farmer magazine related to vegetable production of a good farmer
-Method of producing solid compost and liquid compost
-The next training will be in-detail
The project staff will more often to conduct individual follow-up advice to those above interested farmers to improve their innovations practice. A few among them are the potential farmers who are able to play role as key farmers.
3. Preparation of agricultural output-based
Finally, we have discussed together with Mr. San Sorn about the expected output of the project in term of adoption of technical innovations. (Please see the annex table)
By doing so, we could know clear what do we expect to achieve in which timeframe.
4. General Conclusion
Generally, we could conclude that around 45% of the project’s activities are achieved during a half month of October. Hopefully, the project staff will be able to complete all the expected activities on time. Additionally, we could note that the project activity is moving forward, for instance we have organized 5 group training sessions for the experimented farmers so that the number of farmers who apply innovations will be accelerated simultaneously.
At the present, we could see that some farmers have improved their agricultural practice after the exposure visit to Prey Veng. In reality, some farmers have improved the vegetable seedbed and how to select a good seed.
3. Recommendation
Come up from the result of the visit, the following recommendations are taken into account:
-The project staff should allocate more time for the individual follow-up and one-to-one conversation with the cooperating farmers in order to increase their attention to agricultural practice.
-The project staff should invite representatives from department of women’s affairs to join the project planning and quarterly monitoring as it is time to do that.
-The learning materials especially the leaflets and posters of pesticide should be widely distributed to farmers in the project’s targeted area of Svay Rieng province as they use much amount of chemical pesticide for the IR rice variety. It will help to raise their understanding on negative impact of chemical pesticide to health, environment and economy.
-The project staff should copy VCD relating to technical innovations such as SRI, vegetable growing, ECR, etc to distribute to at least key farmers and other main farmers in order to disseminate the message of agricultural innovations. Majority of farmers are interested in watching and the VCD player is accessible in the villages.
-The exposure visit for the interested farmers in Prey Veng province should be organized soon so that those farmers can learn and apply at the same time as farmers in Svay Rieng.
Finally, we have discussed together with Mr. San Sorn about the expected output of the project in term of adoption of technical innovations. (Please see the annex table)
By doing so, we could know clear what do we expect to achieve in which timeframe.
4. General Conclusion
Generally, we could conclude that around 45% of the project’s activities are achieved during a half month of October. Hopefully, the project staff will be able to complete all the expected activities on time. Additionally, we could note that the project activity is moving forward, for instance we have organized 5 group training sessions for the experimented farmers so that the number of farmers who apply innovations will be accelerated simultaneously.
At the present, we could see that some farmers have improved their agricultural practice after the exposure visit to Prey Veng. In reality, some farmers have improved the vegetable seedbed and how to select a good seed.
3. Recommendation
Come up from the result of the visit, the following recommendations are taken into account:
-The project staff should allocate more time for the individual follow-up and one-to-one conversation with the cooperating farmers in order to increase their attention to agricultural practice.
-The project staff should invite representatives from department of women’s affairs to join the project planning and quarterly monitoring as it is time to do that.
-The learning materials especially the leaflets and posters of pesticide should be widely distributed to farmers in the project’s targeted area of Svay Rieng province as they use much amount of chemical pesticide for the IR rice variety. It will help to raise their understanding on negative impact of chemical pesticide to health, environment and economy.
-The project staff should copy VCD relating to technical innovations such as SRI, vegetable growing, ECR, etc to distribute to at least key farmers and other main farmers in order to disseminate the message of agricultural innovations. Majority of farmers are interested in watching and the VCD player is accessible in the villages.
-The exposure visit for the interested farmers in Prey Veng province should be organized soon so that those farmers can learn and apply at the same time as farmers in Svay Rieng.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Workshop on Drip Irrigation
Today on 10 October 2008, I have participated in the workshop on Drip Irrigation in Phnom Penh. The workshop organized by IDE with 40 participants from different 25 NGOs. The agenda is presented as follows:
-Summary of drip irrigation pilot project
-Result of drip irrigation trial
-Supplay chain and partnership strategies
-Presentation of experienced drip farmers
-Open discussion and feedback
-Summary of drip irrigation pilot project
-Result of drip irrigation trial
-Supplay chain and partnership strategies
-Presentation of experienced drip farmers
-Open discussion and feedback
In summary, based on the information i got from the workshop, i could learn that:
-The yield of vegetable which adopted drip irrigation is higher than non-drip irrigation, but i could see that it is not quite different. Additionally, I could learn that it save 50% of water comparing to traditional practice, so it is good if we introduce drip irrigation in the dry season. Farmers will be able to prolong their cropping season and it is a profitable time.
-IDE has some cooperating farmers who have already adopted drip irrigation technique so that it is available if we would like to organize the field visit to see the experienced farmers.
-In the concept of CEDAC, we can introduce the idea of drip irrigation to farmers, but we will not introduce chemical fertilize as IDE has been doing. The liquid compost and solid compost will be trained in stead of promoting chemical fertilizer.
-The price of one set of drip irrigation is about 50$, so it may be expensive to the poorest families, but the medium farmers are probably possible if they really want to try. I have noticed that drip irrigation is suitable for fruit crops, but not leaf crops.
-The yield of vegetable which adopted drip irrigation is higher than non-drip irrigation, but i could see that it is not quite different. Additionally, I could learn that it save 50% of water comparing to traditional practice, so it is good if we introduce drip irrigation in the dry season. Farmers will be able to prolong their cropping season and it is a profitable time.
-IDE has some cooperating farmers who have already adopted drip irrigation technique so that it is available if we would like to organize the field visit to see the experienced farmers.
-In the concept of CEDAC, we can introduce the idea of drip irrigation to farmers, but we will not introduce chemical fertilize as IDE has been doing. The liquid compost and solid compost will be trained in stead of promoting chemical fertilizer.
-The price of one set of drip irrigation is about 50$, so it may be expensive to the poorest families, but the medium farmers are probably possible if they really want to try. I have noticed that drip irrigation is suitable for fruit crops, but not leaf crops.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Coordinating Team Meeting of Field Program
22-24 September 2008, CEDAC has organized a monthly coordinating team meeting of field program (FNP) with the participation of 20 staff, among them 3 are women, the meeting venue was held at the office of ILFARM-Kagn Chreach in the provincial town of Prey Veng. The purpose of the meeting was to share the progress of the development projects have been implementing by FNP, preparation of specific action plan for the next month, and consultation on cooperation among the relevant projects of FNP and other CEDAC’s components such as CILD and CC, etc.
Definitely, the field visit was included in the meeting program, totally 5 farmers in Baphnom district were met and interviewed in term of livelihood impact after cooperation with CEDAC’s projects, the interviewees are included 2 people living with HIV/AIDS in Prey Phdao village of Sdao Koang commune, 2 women farmers of vegetable farmer producer group in Tuol Phpuos village, Chheu Kach commune, another one farmer is the seller of the farmer’s community shop in Chheu Kach market.
As the result of the meeting, the participants have learned effectively the practical experience from different development projects belong to FNP and they have discussed actively the strategic approach of SRI extension which included the attention to the participatory action research on System of Rice Intensification (SRI), and the participants have finally discussed on setting up of internal Monitoring and Evaluation for FNP as it is strongly needed.
Definitely, the field visit was included in the meeting program, totally 5 farmers in Baphnom district were met and interviewed in term of livelihood impact after cooperation with CEDAC’s projects, the interviewees are included 2 people living with HIV/AIDS in Prey Phdao village of Sdao Koang commune, 2 women farmers of vegetable farmer producer group in Tuol Phpuos village, Chheu Kach commune, another one farmer is the seller of the farmer’s community shop in Chheu Kach market.
As the result of the meeting, the participants have learned effectively the practical experience from different development projects belong to FNP and they have discussed actively the strategic approach of SRI extension which included the attention to the participatory action research on System of Rice Intensification (SRI), and the participants have finally discussed on setting up of internal Monitoring and Evaluation for FNP as it is strongly needed.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Field Mission to Ratanakiri province
It is totally 588 km from Phnom Penh to Ratanakiri province on the national road 7 and 13, and this is a part of the road to Ratanakiri province, which situated near the provincial town. Some parts along the road are difficult for traveling, especially in Kon Mom district. It was lucky to see the rainbow while travelling.
We are among the project's staff of ALDI travelling to Taveng and Andong Meas districts of Ratanakiri province, both districts are the project's targeted area. The purpose of our travel was to see the progress of agricultural technical innovations adopted/adapted by the cooperating farmers under the project's extension activities.
We are among the project's staff of ALDI travelling to Taveng and Andong Meas districts of Ratanakiri province, both districts are the project's targeted area. The purpose of our travel was to see the progress of agricultural technical innovations adopted/adapted by the cooperating farmers under the project's extension activities.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Rice transplanting in Kompong Ror district, Svay Rieng province
From 10-12 September 2008, I went to Chantrea and Kompong Ror districts of svay rieng provicne, i observed that there are much raining water in the rice field and farmers are busy for rice transplanting. In this year, farmers in Svay Rieng seemed to be late in transplanting the rice due to have no enough raining water at the beginning of the season. Along the road within the villages of Thnot commune, some farmers asked me to borrow some money because they considered as the MFI staff, they just wanted to borrow some money to spend for the payment of chemical fertilizer and pesticide. It is to note farmers in the area use much chemical pesticide and fertilizer for the rice production, so the production cost is so high and the benefit is less and they confront to disease effected by chemical pesticide to their health and environment contamination.
Sharing what i have learned from the book "Self-Discipline"
Today, on 13 September 2008, i presented what i have learned from a book, named "Self-Discipline" to the other colleagues who work for CEDAC, those are the project's staff of SfR (Saving for Self-Reliance). i think that it was a good opportunity for me to share what i have learned to the others. I feel to learn more after the presentation, i could know their feeling about the meaning of my presenation. I note that most of them are likely to be interested in Hyde (A part of ourselves that does not want self-discipline), and they also could learn and review the daily plan so that they can achieve more accomplishment and generate more extra free time for ding other things. I have shared the slide of my presenation to most of them and i hope that it will help them to learn well about this book.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Participated in the Training on PRISM
From 01-05 September 2008, I have participated in the training on PRISM (Poverty Reduction through Irrigation and Smallholder Markets), the training was organized by IDE (International Development Enterprises) in Phnom Penh. It is to note that i have learned about the process of PRISM, including:
- Situational analysis
- Intervention design
- Implementing and monitoring
- Evaluation and adaptation
The training enabled to learn more the concept and other main tools for business activity. it is helpful to my work with the project Linking Farmers with Market for Rural Prosperity. What i gained from the training will help me to work effectively to link the vegetable farmer producers to the local markets inside the project's targeted area.
- Situational analysis
- Intervention design
- Implementing and monitoring
- Evaluation and adaptation
The training enabled to learn more the concept and other main tools for business activity. it is helpful to my work with the project Linking Farmers with Market for Rural Prosperity. What i gained from the training will help me to work effectively to link the vegetable farmer producers to the local markets inside the project's targeted area.
Participated in the Training on PRISM
From 01-05 September 2008, I have participated in the training on PRISM (Poverty Reduction through Irrigation and Smallholder Markets), the training was organized by IDE (International Development Enterprises) in Phnom Penh. It is to note that i have learned about the process of PRISM, including:
- Situational analysis
- Intervention design
- Implementing and monitoring
- Evaluation and adaptation
The training enabled to learn more the concept and other main tools for business activity. it is helpful to my work with the project Linking Farmers with Market for Rural Prosperity. What i gained from the training will help me to work effectively to link the vegetable farmer producers to the local markets inside the project's targeted area.
- Situational analysis
- Intervention design
- Implementing and monitoring
- Evaluation and adaptation
The training enabled to learn more the concept and other main tools for business activity. it is helpful to my work with the project Linking Farmers with Market for Rural Prosperity. What i gained from the training will help me to work effectively to link the vegetable farmer producers to the local markets inside the project's targeted area.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
National Conference on Livestock Production at Royal Academic of Cambodia
On 28-29 August 2008, I and Mr. Kin Mengse have attended the national conference on livestock production at Royal Academic of Cambodia. We were also invited to be the speakers among the others during conference. The topics we have presented as the ecological chicken raising (ECR) and the project that we are implementing, named Avian Influenza Behavior Change (AIBC). It is to note that the purpose of the conference is to find out the strategy of promoting livestock production in Cambodia. There were many different participants joint the conference such as small-scale farmers, commercial farmers, students, lecturers for universities, government officials, NGOs, etc participated actively in the conference. H.E.Dr. Chan Sarun, minister of ministry of agriculture, was presided the conference. 14 speakers were invited to present their topics one-by-one, those topics are involved of the issue of livestock in Cambodia, including the production process and market opportunity. Several highlighted topics are indicated as follows:
- General situation of livestock production in Cambodia, policy, constraints and strategy
- Nutrients composition in animal feed
- Ecological Chicken Raising (ECR)
- Avian Influenza -Experience of extension on Avian Influenza
- Bio-digester
- Problem faced by the pig association
- Experience of raising pig - Bio-security in pig farm and
- Etc
After participation of this conference for one day and a half, I could learn something new as follows:
- I could know that Cambodia in fact has good potential to increase the agricultural production for market supply meanwhile the exported agricultural products from Vietnam and Thailand are hugely imported, this is to indicate that the domestic products is not enough for the demand. However, we need to ensure that a good condition of agricultural production especially for the small-scale farmers should be enlarged. For example, Cambodian producers is facing to highly expense on external agricultural inputs so that they can not sell their product at lower price comparing to the products exported from neighboring countries that being sold at the lower price than domestic products. Can you guess why? Because the input supply for the production is not cost much in our country.
- I could note about the problems facing by the pig farmer association to say that they can produce pigs but there are nobody come to buy their pigs. To me, I think that this is because of they only play role as the pig producers by doing so that they are not able to control the whole process of market chain. For example, if they have their own slaughter house, they may be able to sell their pig, they can sell meat instead of live pigs, not the live pigs. The pig association should expand their marketing strategy to sell their products for the market.
- I understand that animal feed is a very big opportunity for business even though there are some companies are promoting their produced feed to consumers. Most of farmer producers need productive feed for the growth of their animals especially the commercial farms, but those feeds are the external inputs so that it is not good to serve the benefit of domestic feed producers. If we can train farmers to produce their own feed so that we can help to improve the family agriculture, or we can produce the additional animal feed that is fit to the condition of those families.
- One among 5 recommendations to the royal government of Cambodia is to recommend that the RGC should provide incentives support to farmers such as animal breeds, seeds, etc. I think that such recommendation is not good to make farmers to be self-reliant. I think that it is better if we don’t provide them the seed, breed but farmers themselves are affordable to buy those inputs. The importance is in fact the knowledge and spirit of changing from subsistence farmers to commercial farmers, if they really want to change, they really can do by them own.
- To me, think that it is really good if the problem of farmer producers is the common problem of the royal government of Cambodia. If so, it will help to speed up the solution effectively. Additionally, the extension government officials should be strengthened in term of the knowledge and capacity of sustainable agricultural extension with a better policy support to their work.
- General situation of livestock production in Cambodia, policy, constraints and strategy
- Nutrients composition in animal feed
- Ecological Chicken Raising (ECR)
- Avian Influenza -Experience of extension on Avian Influenza
- Bio-digester
- Problem faced by the pig association
- Experience of raising pig - Bio-security in pig farm and
- Etc
After participation of this conference for one day and a half, I could learn something new as follows:
- I could know that Cambodia in fact has good potential to increase the agricultural production for market supply meanwhile the exported agricultural products from Vietnam and Thailand are hugely imported, this is to indicate that the domestic products is not enough for the demand. However, we need to ensure that a good condition of agricultural production especially for the small-scale farmers should be enlarged. For example, Cambodian producers is facing to highly expense on external agricultural inputs so that they can not sell their product at lower price comparing to the products exported from neighboring countries that being sold at the lower price than domestic products. Can you guess why? Because the input supply for the production is not cost much in our country.
- I could note about the problems facing by the pig farmer association to say that they can produce pigs but there are nobody come to buy their pigs. To me, I think that this is because of they only play role as the pig producers by doing so that they are not able to control the whole process of market chain. For example, if they have their own slaughter house, they may be able to sell their pig, they can sell meat instead of live pigs, not the live pigs. The pig association should expand their marketing strategy to sell their products for the market.
- I understand that animal feed is a very big opportunity for business even though there are some companies are promoting their produced feed to consumers. Most of farmer producers need productive feed for the growth of their animals especially the commercial farms, but those feeds are the external inputs so that it is not good to serve the benefit of domestic feed producers. If we can train farmers to produce their own feed so that we can help to improve the family agriculture, or we can produce the additional animal feed that is fit to the condition of those families.
- One among 5 recommendations to the royal government of Cambodia is to recommend that the RGC should provide incentives support to farmers such as animal breeds, seeds, etc. I think that such recommendation is not good to make farmers to be self-reliant. I think that it is better if we don’t provide them the seed, breed but farmers themselves are affordable to buy those inputs. The importance is in fact the knowledge and spirit of changing from subsistence farmers to commercial farmers, if they really want to change, they really can do by them own.
- To me, think that it is really good if the problem of farmer producers is the common problem of the royal government of Cambodia. If so, it will help to speed up the solution effectively. Additionally, the extension government officials should be strengthened in term of the knowledge and capacity of sustainable agricultural extension with a better policy support to their work.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Project Introduction Workshop
From 22-25 August 2008, I went to organize to Svay Rieng for organizing 2 introduction workshops on the project, namely "Improvement of the most vulnerable Families for protection of human trafficking and unsafe migration". The commune chief, village chief, villagers and some representatives of IOM were invited to join the workshop. The workshop aimed to present the project's goal and objectives, expected output, strategy and activity...etc. especially, I have mainly concentrated on how to cooperate well among the project's stakeholders in order to ensure that the project will be able to achieve its main output effectively. We have totally achieved some main activities as follows:
- 120 families have been met for one-to-one conversation both Prey Veng and Svay Rieng provinces,
- 3 project introduction workshops were organized
For the last week of August, we will organize village general meetings and there will be a video show on SRI during that time as well, it is to note that most of farmers have not yet transplanted their rice seedling in the project's target area of Svay Rieng province,
- 120 families have been met for one-to-one conversation both Prey Veng and Svay Rieng provinces,
- 3 project introduction workshops were organized
For the last week of August, we will organize village general meetings and there will be a video show on SRI during that time as well, it is to note that most of farmers have not yet transplanted their rice seedling in the project's target area of Svay Rieng province,
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Field Mission to Prey Veng and Svay Rieng Provinces,
From 12-15 August 2008, I had been working for the project, namely "Improvement of Livelihood of the most Vulnerable Families for Prevention of Human Trafficking and Unsafe Migration" in Svay Rieng and Prey Veng provinces. I went to Svay Rieng on the first day of my visit and I have discussed with Mr. San Sorn about the project, I explained to him the rational background of the project, objectives, main outputs, methodologies and activities will be done by the project. Importantly, I wanted Mr. San Sorn who is the one to act the role of farmer community facilitator of this project can understands well about the general concept of this project and he can move forward to field implementation. Furthermore, I have met him for reflection on the activities and results that the project has achieved so far if compare to the project's plan at the beginning of this month. It is to note that 120 out of 140 families have been conducted the one-to-one conversation both in Svay Rieng and Prey Veng provinces. Based on the collected information from the one-to-one conversation with the families in Prey Tung commune, Sithor Kandal district, Prey Veng province, we could know that:
There are around 100-150 families in the villages produce sugar palm with the average quantity of 1000 kg per year, the maximum is 1500 kg/year and the minimum is 500 kg/year. The market price now is 2000 riel/kg. Remarkably, there are totally 5 villages of Prey Tung commune.
Most of the villagers in the target villages lack of rice for family consumption, in case of the poorest families, they lack of rice at least a half of the whole year. Most of the poorest are hired to make silk so that they can get some complementary income for the family's need.
The size of homestead area is small and the house settlement of the villagers is located in a close place among house to house, so farmers feel that they lack of land for vegetable cultivation as well as there were many big trees planted in the homestead that is unable them to grow vegetable because of competing of nutrient absorbing from the roots of big trees,
Additionally, I have discussed with Mr. San San to review the project's work plan to organize the introduction workshop, village general meeting at the village level, etc. Hope that there will be more activities accomplished at the end of this month.
There are around 100-150 families in the villages produce sugar palm with the average quantity of 1000 kg per year, the maximum is 1500 kg/year and the minimum is 500 kg/year. The market price now is 2000 riel/kg. Remarkably, there are totally 5 villages of Prey Tung commune.
Most of the villagers in the target villages lack of rice for family consumption, in case of the poorest families, they lack of rice at least a half of the whole year. Most of the poorest are hired to make silk so that they can get some complementary income for the family's need.
The size of homestead area is small and the house settlement of the villagers is located in a close place among house to house, so farmers feel that they lack of land for vegetable cultivation as well as there were many big trees planted in the homestead that is unable them to grow vegetable because of competing of nutrient absorbing from the roots of big trees,
Additionally, I have discussed with Mr. San San to review the project's work plan to organize the introduction workshop, village general meeting at the village level, etc. Hope that there will be more activities accomplished at the end of this month.
Joint meeting with IDE (International Development Enterprises)
Today, on August 19, 2008 I and Mr. Lang Seng Horng, director of CESDE (Cedac Enterprise for Social Development) went to IDE office in Phnom Penh for a whole-day discussion on a new project, that project is called "Linking farmers with Market for Rural Prosperity" and it will be jointly implemented by IDE, CEDAC and PADEK. The target area will be selected along the national road 1, Prey Veng to Svay Rieng province. Up to now, we have discussed and agreed to prepare the project's budget of each partner, to identify and select the target site, etc. Hopefully, this project will be implemented very soon so that we can improve the capacity of farmers, especially the poorest farmers to produce vegetable for market supply, it is to note that each of CEDAC and PADEK will be responsible to improve the livelihood of 500 target families with increasing of income 150$, the vegetable farmer producer group is conducted. There will be 60,000 USD of the project's budget for both CEDAC and PADEK. To me, I think that even though this project seems to be small, but we can have more change to strengthen the vegetable farmer producer group and especially to link those groups to NAP (Natural Agriculture Product) in Svay Rieng and Prey Veng provinces and a few CFAs will be employed.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Field Monitoring by Mr. Nop Sotheara, programme officer of USAID
August 07, 2008, Mr. Nop Sotheara, program officer of USAID visited 4 farmers in 2 villages, Kangan Pong and Romdeng village of Spean Thnot commune, Chi Kreng district, Siem Reap Province. The hosted visit was taken place at the target villages of AIBC3 (Avian Influenza Behavior Change Project), Mr. Kin Mengse, program officer of CEDAC who is the project coordinator of AIBC accompanied him for the field visit. The purpose of the visit is to (1) monitor farmers’ understanding and practice on the messages of avian influenza, (2) Check the progress of farmers’ practice on the technique of ecological chicken raising (ECR).
Based on the result of the visit, we can conclude that farmers have practiced well the techniques of ECR such as “build up the fence for chicken, provide mix feed, separate healthy chicken and sick chicken, clean to ensure good sanitation inside the chicken fence and chicken house, use herbal plant to soak within water for chicken, make compost for chicken to scratch, etc”. However, farmers need to try more effort in order to increase the chicken production so that they can increase more income for the family, the alternative of setting up chicken producer group should be conducted among farmers in these new target villages.
Based on the result of the visit, we can conclude that farmers have practiced well the techniques of ECR such as “build up the fence for chicken, provide mix feed, separate healthy chicken and sick chicken, clean to ensure good sanitation inside the chicken fence and chicken house, use herbal plant to soak within water for chicken, make compost for chicken to scratch, etc”. However, farmers need to try more effort in order to increase the chicken production so that they can increase more income for the family, the alternative of setting up chicken producer group should be conducted among farmers in these new target villages.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Strategic meeting of FNP
On August 04, 2008, 13 staff who are the core team members of FNP (CEDAC’s Field Program Unit) joint a special meeting, the meeting venue was held at SUON SOBEN resort, the meeting aimed to discuss on the following points: -Definition of this group (Core Team of FNP) -Review strategy of FNP -Discussion on CFA (Community Field Assistant) and its policy support -Discussion on role and responsibility program officer, farmer community facilitator, -Revisit the structure of CEDAC
As the result, we could discuss and decide some main points such as:
-We have thought about the main criteria of staff who are able to include as the member of FNP core team and we have determined the unique role of FNP's core team members, especially to distinguish the different role between FNP's core team and FNP's coordination team.
-In relating to the future strategy of FNP, we will try to develop more proposal to expand our field activity. Specifically, the proposal relating to women empowerment will be developed and Mr. Tath Sok and Ms. Mok Chenda are hopefully to be the persons who are responsible for this task. Additionally, the participants have also discussed how to strengthen the quality of FNP's rural development work, for example the discussion on the optimal number of target village that should be responsible for one staff or FCF (Farmer Community Facilitator).
-Concerning to CFA, we will develop a clear contract with them if they are recruited as the project's staff, we need to make clear about the policy support to all of them, especially CEDAC will pay more attention to the quality of CFA in order to ensure that majority of them will be able to find a good job after completion of the course with CEDAC.
-It was nice to review and determine precisely the role and responsibility of FNP’s staff at different position, such as the role and responsibility of FNP's director, program officer, zonal coordinator/provincial coordinator, project coordinator, project officer and farmer community facilitator, etc. It is to remark that the program officer of FNP need to be responsible to manage 3 development projects at least. On the other hand, we have agreed to continue discussion on capitalization of practical experience of FNP and strategic support to FNN (Farmer and Natural Net) on the other days, the meeting will be taken place on 26-27 August 2008 at CJCC (Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center) in Phnom Penh.
As the result, we could discuss and decide some main points such as:
-We have thought about the main criteria of staff who are able to include as the member of FNP core team and we have determined the unique role of FNP's core team members, especially to distinguish the different role between FNP's core team and FNP's coordination team.
-In relating to the future strategy of FNP, we will try to develop more proposal to expand our field activity. Specifically, the proposal relating to women empowerment will be developed and Mr. Tath Sok and Ms. Mok Chenda are hopefully to be the persons who are responsible for this task. Additionally, the participants have also discussed how to strengthen the quality of FNP's rural development work, for example the discussion on the optimal number of target village that should be responsible for one staff or FCF (Farmer Community Facilitator).
-Concerning to CFA, we will develop a clear contract with them if they are recruited as the project's staff, we need to make clear about the policy support to all of them, especially CEDAC will pay more attention to the quality of CFA in order to ensure that majority of them will be able to find a good job after completion of the course with CEDAC.
-It was nice to review and determine precisely the role and responsibility of FNP’s staff at different position, such as the role and responsibility of FNP's director, program officer, zonal coordinator/provincial coordinator, project coordinator, project officer and farmer community facilitator, etc. It is to remark that the program officer of FNP need to be responsible to manage 3 development projects at least. On the other hand, we have agreed to continue discussion on capitalization of practical experience of FNP and strategic support to FNN (Farmer and Natural Net) on the other days, the meeting will be taken place on 26-27 August 2008 at CJCC (Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center) in Phnom Penh.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Meeting of AIBC3 working group
I would like to brief you the internal meeting of AIBC3 working group that was held on June 06, 2008 at CEDAC office in Phnom Penh.The main meeting’s agenda is indicated as follows: -Sharing attractive information and activity and result of the project -Summing up the progress of chicken producer group -Preparing format for data collection on the project’s impact -Training on main poultry diseases in Cambodia -Providing impression and making appointment for next meeting. Based on the result of the meeting, we could know that during May 2008, the project’s staff have done some activities as follows:
-10 commune workshops were organized with 123 commune council members and village chief, among them 21 are women.
-4 district workshops with representatives of chicken producer groups were organized with 311 participants, 73 women.
-15 village meetings were organized in order to set up chicken producer group, 189 participants participated in the meeting
-30 training sessions for village promoters were organized with 483 VPs (149 women) Particularly, up to now, the number of chicken producer group has increased up to 751groups (9294 group members). It is a success rate that the project’s donor may well satisfy because the project expectation is only 500 chicken producer group if refer to the project document.
It seems to be that the project has succeeded in forming up chicken producer group. It is apart of the project’s success because number of chicken producer group is one among the main project’s outputs. Additionally, we can conclude that the participants understand more and more about the main poultry diseases especially we have learned about the basis and how to prevent chicken from disease, for example the definition of disease, source of diseases come from, how to prevent it, etc.
The meeting provided us the basic idea and guideline for organizing group training on poultry disease to village promoters and other beneficiary farmers. With the understanding on lesson of disease, it stimulated us to take action on prevention method rather than cure or treatment. Therefore, if farmers would like to get a good result, they actually need to improve the prevention method.
Additionally, meanwhile the meeting, we could see the progress of number of chicken producer group especially the situation of collective selling that is likely not so progressing well due to shortage of negotiation skill and marketing strategy with middlemen. Ultimately, all of us have agreed to collect data of project’s impact based on the distributed form and the result will be given back on 09 July 2009 during the training on interpersonal skill. The result of this study will be helpful to determine the project’s impact both quantitative and qualitative information.
-10 commune workshops were organized with 123 commune council members and village chief, among them 21 are women.
-4 district workshops with representatives of chicken producer groups were organized with 311 participants, 73 women.
-15 village meetings were organized in order to set up chicken producer group, 189 participants participated in the meeting
-30 training sessions for village promoters were organized with 483 VPs (149 women) Particularly, up to now, the number of chicken producer group has increased up to 751groups (9294 group members). It is a success rate that the project’s donor may well satisfy because the project expectation is only 500 chicken producer group if refer to the project document.
It seems to be that the project has succeeded in forming up chicken producer group. It is apart of the project’s success because number of chicken producer group is one among the main project’s outputs. Additionally, we can conclude that the participants understand more and more about the main poultry diseases especially we have learned about the basis and how to prevent chicken from disease, for example the definition of disease, source of diseases come from, how to prevent it, etc.
The meeting provided us the basic idea and guideline for organizing group training on poultry disease to village promoters and other beneficiary farmers. With the understanding on lesson of disease, it stimulated us to take action on prevention method rather than cure or treatment. Therefore, if farmers would like to get a good result, they actually need to improve the prevention method.
Additionally, meanwhile the meeting, we could see the progress of number of chicken producer group especially the situation of collective selling that is likely not so progressing well due to shortage of negotiation skill and marketing strategy with middlemen. Ultimately, all of us have agreed to collect data of project’s impact based on the distributed form and the result will be given back on 09 July 2009 during the training on interpersonal skill. The result of this study will be helpful to determine the project’s impact both quantitative and qualitative information.
Field visit to ALP Modulkiri
From 21-24 July 2008, I had been at Sok San commune, Koh Ngek district of Modulkiri province to conduct the field monitoring support for the project, namely ALP "Agriculture Livelihood Project".
During the visit, I have reviewed the activity plan of the project as well as the project output that we have achieved so far. Generally, i could see that the project has achieved as planed, excepted one activity, called "village general meeting to share agriculture innovation" we have done one meeting out of 4 expected meetings.
Furthermore, we see that there are now 4 farmers have applied SRI experiment and there will be around other 20 farmers are interested to apply SRI in case of they have enough raining water in the field. Some other agriculture innovations like vegetable growing, ecological chicken raising have been conducted by several farmers.
During the visit, i have also discussed with the project staff on the overview of the project's progress in term of activities and output-based. Additionally, we have also consulted to anticipate about the next quarterly activity plan and expected output. It is to note that most of farmers have not yet transplanted their rice because they have no enough water for transplanting. There will be more farmers apply SRI while they have water. Recently, we observed that farmers are busy to plow their rice field as the rain started.
During the visit, I have reviewed the activity plan of the project as well as the project output that we have achieved so far. Generally, i could see that the project has achieved as planed, excepted one activity, called "village general meeting to share agriculture innovation" we have done one meeting out of 4 expected meetings.
Furthermore, we see that there are now 4 farmers have applied SRI experiment and there will be around other 20 farmers are interested to apply SRI in case of they have enough raining water in the field. Some other agriculture innovations like vegetable growing, ecological chicken raising have been conducted by several farmers.
During the visit, i have also discussed with the project staff on the overview of the project's progress in term of activities and output-based. Additionally, we have also consulted to anticipate about the next quarterly activity plan and expected output. It is to note that most of farmers have not yet transplanted their rice because they have no enough water for transplanting. There will be more farmers apply SRI while they have water. Recently, we observed that farmers are busy to plow their rice field as the rain started.
CEDAC's core team meeting at CJCC
On 25 July 2008, there is a special meeting among the core team members of CEDAC at CJCC to discuss about the perspective of CEDAC beyond 2008. Dr. Yang Saing Koma presented the historical background of CEDAC as well as the current progress. Later on, we have discussed about decentralization of each CEDAC's component like CEDAC-NGO (included Field Program, consulting service, publication), CEDAC enterprise for social development (CESDE), and CEDAC institute for local development (CILD). We talked about the risk and solution to challenge the risk, especially we have presented the future perspective of each main components of CEDAC beyond 2008. As the importance of the meeting, we have made clear about our destination and how to reach it. Additionally, the discussion on collaboration among each component was raised for talking, including the role and responsibility of CEDAC's president. To me, I think that we have gained more idea relating to decentralization of each component of CEDAC. However, what we actually need to do urgently is to make sure what we want to do and how to achieve it as well as to realize it into the practice.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Meeting with AED coordinator
On Monday 19, 2008 I and Mr. Kin Mengse met Mrs. Cecile Lantican (Phd) at the office of AED Phnom Penh, she a new AI-BCC Country Coordinator for Academy for Educational Development in Cambodia. Generally, we met and talked about the progress of AIBC3, where we are if compare to the project’s objective. So, each of the project’s output in the project document was reviewed one by one.
After discussion on those points, we have talked about the financial report of the project, based on the information from Cecile, she told us the fiscal year of USAID as it is based on the system of USA calendar, it will be conducted around September or October so she requested us to complete the activity by August 2008 and the financial report need to be done as fast as possible so that she has enough time for the preparation to USAID.
In addition to the project’s impact, she prefers to go with us, on May 26, to observe the training session that our staff will organize in the field and she also plan to meet several good farmers to see the progress of innovation practice, ECR. We plan to bring her to Takeo province. Furthermore, AED planed to provide our staff and FAO’s staff the training on the inter-personal skill as Mrs. Berengere DeNegri (the previous AED country coordinator) used to discuss with us about that. They suggest us to select a few master trainers among our all field trainers to receive the training that can be possibly organized between 1-7 July and the training for whole staff will be held on 8-9 July.
I am wondering whether AIBC4 can be implemented or not meanwhile AED seems to have no budget to cover for the next phase. According to the result of our discussion, we see that we are working well on the previous target provinces (in phase 1 and phase 2), many activities were done, but in case of new target provinces, we have approximately have achieved around 20-30% as we have just completed the commune workshop, selection of village promoter, provide training to village promoter on AI, and some VPs are now organizing the training to villagers. Among the whole new VPs, some of them are not operating. Afterward, it is better to conduct the training on poultry disease and its prevention in June and there will be an end-evaluation at the end of the project.
After discussion on those points, we have talked about the financial report of the project, based on the information from Cecile, she told us the fiscal year of USAID as it is based on the system of USA calendar, it will be conducted around September or October so she requested us to complete the activity by August 2008 and the financial report need to be done as fast as possible so that she has enough time for the preparation to USAID.
In addition to the project’s impact, she prefers to go with us, on May 26, to observe the training session that our staff will organize in the field and she also plan to meet several good farmers to see the progress of innovation practice, ECR. We plan to bring her to Takeo province. Furthermore, AED planed to provide our staff and FAO’s staff the training on the inter-personal skill as Mrs. Berengere DeNegri (the previous AED country coordinator) used to discuss with us about that. They suggest us to select a few master trainers among our all field trainers to receive the training that can be possibly organized between 1-7 July and the training for whole staff will be held on 8-9 July.
I am wondering whether AIBC4 can be implemented or not meanwhile AED seems to have no budget to cover for the next phase. According to the result of our discussion, we see that we are working well on the previous target provinces (in phase 1 and phase 2), many activities were done, but in case of new target provinces, we have approximately have achieved around 20-30% as we have just completed the commune workshop, selection of village promoter, provide training to village promoter on AI, and some VPs are now organizing the training to villagers. Among the whole new VPs, some of them are not operating. Afterward, it is better to conduct the training on poultry disease and its prevention in June and there will be an end-evaluation at the end of the project.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Field visit to ALP Modulkiri
From 21-24 July 2008, I had been at Sok San commune, Koh Ngek district of Modulkiri province to conduct the field monitoring support for the project, namely ALP "Agriculture Livelihood Project". During the visit, I have reviewed the activity plan of the project as well as the project output that we have achieved so far. Generally, i could see that the project has achieved as planed, excepted one activity, called "village general meeting to share agriculture innovation" we have done one meeting out of 4 expected meetings.
Furthermore, we see that there are now 4 farmers have applied SRI experiment and there will be around other 20 farmers are interested to apply SRI in case of they have enough raining water in the field. Some other agriculture innovations like vegetable growing, ecological chicken raising have been conducted by several farmers. During the visit, i have also discussed with the project staff on the overview of the project's progress in term of activities and output-based. Additionally, we have also consulted to anticipate about the next quarterly activity plan and expected output. It is to note that most of farmers have not yet transplanted their rice because they have no enough water for transplanting. There will be more farmers apply SRI while they have water. Recently, we observed that farmers are busy to plow their rice field as the rain started.
Furthermore, we see that there are now 4 farmers have applied SRI experiment and there will be around other 20 farmers are interested to apply SRI in case of they have enough raining water in the field. Some other agriculture innovations like vegetable growing, ecological chicken raising have been conducted by several farmers. During the visit, i have also discussed with the project staff on the overview of the project's progress in term of activities and output-based. Additionally, we have also consulted to anticipate about the next quarterly activity plan and expected output. It is to note that most of farmers have not yet transplanted their rice because they have no enough water for transplanting. There will be more farmers apply SRI while they have water. Recently, we observed that farmers are busy to plow their rice field as the rain started.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Field monitoring to Modulkiri province
From 08-11 June 2008, i went to ALP (Agriculture Livelihood Project) in Modulkiri province with Mr. Kin Mengse, the program officer of CEDAC. The purpose is to monitor the progress of the project, especially the application of SRI at the beginning of this rainy season. Importantly, the result of the visit is useful for the project's staff to improve their work. Various farmers were met individully with the accompanion from the project's staff. Importantly, we all had facilitated a farmer field day to transplant rice with SRI method. The village chief is interested to experience SRI on a plot of his rice field. Remarkbly, some farmers have already broadcasted the rice seed on the seedbed, but some other farmers have not yet prepared it due to they still lack of water. However, we observed that some farmers are going to transplant soon while they have water in the field. To prosper the SRI practice, project's staff and field assistant will work closely with farmers to explain and show them on how to transplant their rice with SRI method. We will spend most of the time at the rice field with farmers. Hopefully, it can help to increase number of farmers who are intrested to apply/experiement SRI at the first year. Ideally, we can explain and ask farmer a piece of their field for SRI transplanting so that they can see the differences of SRI and traditional rice practice. From 08-11 June 2008, i went to ALP (Agriculture Livelihood Project) in Modulkiri province with Mr. Kin Mengse, the program officer of CEDAC. The purpose is to monitor the progress of the project, especially the application of SRI at the beginning of this rainy season. Importantly, the result of the visit is useful for the project's staff to improve their work. Various farmers were met individully with the accompanion from the project's staff. Importantly, we all had facilitated a farmer field day to transplant rice with SRI method. The village chief is interested to experience SRI on a plot of his rice field. Remarkbly, some farmers have already broadcasted the rice seed on the seedbed, but some other farmers have not yet prepared it due to they still lack of water. However, we observed that some farmers are going to transplant soon while they have water in the field. To prosper the SRI practice, project's staff and field assistant will work closely with farmers to explain and show them on how to transplant their rice with SRI method. We will spend most of the time at the rice field with farmers. Hopefully, it can help to increase number of farmers who are intrested to apply/experiement SRI at the first year. Ideally, we can explain and ask farmer a piece of their field for SRI transplanting so that they can see the differences of SRI and traditional rice practice. On the other hand, field assistants have seemly learned well from the project's staff but one among 2 of them stay at Sra Thom village which located far from the office so that it is difficult for him to go and return from office to his house. We need to reinforce with that one with frequently take him to go with the project's staff, guide him how to work with the community people.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Field Program meeting at Veal Veng district, Pursat Province
1-3 June 2008 all staff of field program including me have assembled in Veal Veng district of Pursat province for the core team meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to share the progress of each field program’s project and cooperation among the projects and FNN for next month. 1-3 June 2008 all staff of field program including me have assembled in Veal Veng district of Pursat province for the core team meeting.
The purpose of the meeting is to share the progress of each field program’s project and cooperation among the projects and FNN for next month. Recently, there was a rumor saying that CEDAC sells organic fertilizer to farmers that is why during the meeting, the discussion on selling of organic fertilizer by usage the name of CEDAC was also included in the meeting agenda.
All participants have decided that those who are explicitly determined of doing such activity, which is contradictory to CEDAC’s policy and core principles must be received a hefty fine from this organization, for example they are excluded from CEDAC’s staff with the public declaration in newspapers. If CEDAC still allow such event to be happened simultaneously, CEDAC will be failed to win control the name of a NGO that has been working on ecological agriculture.
Later on, field program director will consult CEDAC steering committee on the result of decision against selling of organic fertilizer in the name of CEDAC. Additionally, we also have consulted the expansion of the target village up to 6000 villages in 2012. Based on the result of discussion, the main strategy is to find more proposals to cover on the new target villages. Therefore, it actually needs to improve the quality and capacity of project officer so that program officers are able to allocate their time for external work especially with the funding agencies.
At grassroots level, we will reinforce YCL/CFA to work more effectively with the community people, furthermore we will also work closely with independent village based farmer organization to run development projects with funding support from CEDAC’s field program unit
The purpose of the meeting is to share the progress of each field program’s project and cooperation among the projects and FNN for next month. Recently, there was a rumor saying that CEDAC sells organic fertilizer to farmers that is why during the meeting, the discussion on selling of organic fertilizer by usage the name of CEDAC was also included in the meeting agenda.
All participants have decided that those who are explicitly determined of doing such activity, which is contradictory to CEDAC’s policy and core principles must be received a hefty fine from this organization, for example they are excluded from CEDAC’s staff with the public declaration in newspapers. If CEDAC still allow such event to be happened simultaneously, CEDAC will be failed to win control the name of a NGO that has been working on ecological agriculture.
Later on, field program director will consult CEDAC steering committee on the result of decision against selling of organic fertilizer in the name of CEDAC. Additionally, we also have consulted the expansion of the target village up to 6000 villages in 2012. Based on the result of discussion, the main strategy is to find more proposals to cover on the new target villages. Therefore, it actually needs to improve the quality and capacity of project officer so that program officers are able to allocate their time for external work especially with the funding agencies.
At grassroots level, we will reinforce YCL/CFA to work more effectively with the community people, furthermore we will also work closely with independent village based farmer organization to run development projects with funding support from CEDAC’s field program unit
Monday, May 26, 2008
Field Visit by Dr. Cecile, AED coordinator
On 26 May 2008, there was a field visit from Dr. Cecile Lantican, AI-BCC Country Coordinator for Academy for Educational Development (AED) in Cambodia, the field visit was done in Tramkak district, Takeo province. Since November 15, 2007, CEDAC has been implementing the third phase of the project, namely “Avian Influenza Behavior Change” under sub-contract from AED, the project funded by USAID. The purpose of the visit was to see the progress of project in term of the behavior change of villagers after receiving the training on AI messages by the project. Another purpose of the visit was to see the technique of ecological chicken raising (ECR) and its impact to the family’s livelihood.
During the visit, she had observed one-group training that was organized for the representatives of chicken producer group at the district level, after that she met and interviewed with 3 farmers in 2 villages, Trapaing Ruon and Prey Chhnuol villages. On 26 May 2008, there was a field visit from Dr. Cecile Lantican, AI-BCC Country Coordinator for Academy for Educational Development (AED) in Cambodia, the field visit was done in Tramkak district, Takeo province. Since November 15, 2007, CEDAC has been implementing the third phase of the project, namely “Avian Influenza Behavior Change” under sub-contract from AED, the project funded by USAID. The purpose of the visit was to see the progress of project in term of the behavior change of villagers after receiving the training on AI messages by the project. Another purpose of the visit was to see the technique of ecological chicken raising (ECR) and its impact to the family’s livelihood.
During the visit, she had observed one-group training that was organized for the representatives of chicken producer group at the district level, after that she met and interviewed with 3 farmers in 2 villages, Trapaing Ruon and Prey Chhnuol villages. As the result, villagers understand well about the symptoms and prevention method of AI disease and the ECR technique is appropriate to farmers and it enables them to generate much income for the family.
During the visit, she had observed one-group training that was organized for the representatives of chicken producer group at the district level, after that she met and interviewed with 3 farmers in 2 villages, Trapaing Ruon and Prey Chhnuol villages. On 26 May 2008, there was a field visit from Dr. Cecile Lantican, AI-BCC Country Coordinator for Academy for Educational Development (AED) in Cambodia, the field visit was done in Tramkak district, Takeo province. Since November 15, 2007, CEDAC has been implementing the third phase of the project, namely “Avian Influenza Behavior Change” under sub-contract from AED, the project funded by USAID. The purpose of the visit was to see the progress of project in term of the behavior change of villagers after receiving the training on AI messages by the project. Another purpose of the visit was to see the technique of ecological chicken raising (ECR) and its impact to the family’s livelihood.
During the visit, she had observed one-group training that was organized for the representatives of chicken producer group at the district level, after that she met and interviewed with 3 farmers in 2 villages, Trapaing Ruon and Prey Chhnuol villages. As the result, villagers understand well about the symptoms and prevention method of AI disease and the ECR technique is appropriate to farmers and it enables them to generate much income for the family.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Organizing training for village promoter, Kandal Stung district
On 22-23 May, 2008 I have organized 2 separated group trainings for the village promoters in Kandal Stung district, Kandal province. Totally, 36 VPs have attended in the trainings. For the training at this time, we focused on the technique of ecological chicken raising (ECR). It was to note that VPs were interested to learn about ECR as they actually need it for improving their chicken raising technique. According to the meeting, we could know that most of VPs have not organized village meeting with the villager, it can be estimated that around 30% of total VPs in Kandal Stung have organized the training on AI (Avian Influenza) to the villagers.
Unfortunately, most of VPs are working only in their own village, so it means that only 38 villages are working in term of the project implementation. It is remarks that there are totally 135 target villages in Kandal Stung district. Additionally, meanwhile it is the beginning of rainy season so that VPs are difficult to making appointment with villagers, they go to the field for rice cultivation. At the end of the meeting, we also have developed the action plan with all of VPs, some VPs who have already organized the training on the topic of AI will train to their villagers on the second topic, ECR, but VPs who have not yet organized the training on AI, they actually will organize on this first topic for June 2008.
Unfortunately, most of VPs are working only in their own village, so it means that only 38 villages are working in term of the project implementation. It is remarks that there are totally 135 target villages in Kandal Stung district. Additionally, meanwhile it is the beginning of rainy season so that VPs are difficult to making appointment with villagers, they go to the field for rice cultivation. At the end of the meeting, we also have developed the action plan with all of VPs, some VPs who have already organized the training on the topic of AI will train to their villagers on the second topic, ECR, but VPs who have not yet organized the training on AI, they actually will organize on this first topic for June 2008.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Training on Self-Reliant Development
On 16 May 2008, I have participated in the training which trained by Dr. Yang Saing Koma, the president of CEDAC. The training’s topic is Self-Reliant Development. To me, I personally note that the training enabled me to review the general concept of self-reliant development approach.
My idea is that the training is very useful for me and other development workers to deeply understand about the self reliant development approach such as the usage of internal community resources, including human resource, local knowledge and local innovations, or I can say the development that led by the community people so that we actually need to take more time to build up the capacity of local people in order to ensure the sustainability of the development, we mainly point to the process and long term sustainability. Some development NGOs just think on the output in purpose of accomplishing the project’s objectives so they utilize all ways to achieve the project’s objective, for example they provide much incentive to attract community people to participate in the project.
It is really good for a short term output, but it's not good for the long term sustainability of the project, it will provoke community people to be high dependency and it will be more and more deteriorated increasingly, so we cannot follow to the approach of self-reliant development if the mentality of the community people is dependent. At this time, we see that there are various kinds of development approaches are being implemented in the community, but sometimes the development agencies themselves are constraints if other NGOs meanwhile they have different approaches.
For example, one NGO works with the community people by provision of huge incentive support in purpose of promoting high technology and another one just provides the training, capacity building by the usage of local innovation so it is difficult to move forward if they are working on the same area. Relating to the self-reliant development approach, we definitely need work closely with the community to determine the problem, possible solution, resources that have in the community that are able to contribute in solving the problem of the community issue. So, first of all we need to know well about the situation of the community, what is the need, what is the potential, what can we begin to start? Truly, we need to work specifically on 2 points, human capital and social capital in the community in order to make a good sustainability of our work in the local area.
Later on, I have learned that each technical innovation that we introduce to the community people is meaningful and there are a lot of things behind each innovation. What is the change of people when they apply SRI was raised to discuss during the training, so when we talk in detail relating to the technical innovation, those innovations are not just only to improve/increase the productivity but also help to change the farmers’ idea and attitude as well. Our main development is focused on the mentality or I can say it is the mind development.
People will not follow the technique we introduce if they are not changed in term of their mind. During the training, I have learned to answer on the following questions: What is the principle of self-reliant development? Is the self-reliant development suitable to the condition of Cambodia? Why? What is our activity and strategy to boost the self-reliant development? What is the initiative point for self-reliant development? What is the opportunity for us to urge the self-reliant development? What is the threat or constraint? What is the improving point or the point that is needed to be strengthened? At the end of the training, we also talked about the ecological village and as the result, 46 villages are potentially to be the ecological village in 2010.
The criteria were developed by the participants, those are presented as bellows: No plastic in the public area of the village Farmer produce compost for farming (farmer family) There are home garden over than 70% of the total family in the village Family apply SRI (System of Rice Intensification) over than 70% of the village’s family There is regulation on natural resource management in the village There is self-reliant saving group with the participation of over than 50% of the total family in the village Number of family that use chemical fertilizer is less than 10% 75% of the farmer family is the member of farmer group such as saving group, farmer association, community, etc.
There is good farmer organization in the village 50% of family in the village use hygienic latrine Number of family use bio-digester plan over than 20% Improved Cook Stove, Solar energy There is the management and rehabilitation of infrastructure in the village Conserve and use the local seed especially rice seed 100% of the total family in the village is good food security Children finish primary education at least grade 9 There is village general meeting at least 2 times per year People drink clean water
My idea is that the training is very useful for me and other development workers to deeply understand about the self reliant development approach such as the usage of internal community resources, including human resource, local knowledge and local innovations, or I can say the development that led by the community people so that we actually need to take more time to build up the capacity of local people in order to ensure the sustainability of the development, we mainly point to the process and long term sustainability. Some development NGOs just think on the output in purpose of accomplishing the project’s objectives so they utilize all ways to achieve the project’s objective, for example they provide much incentive to attract community people to participate in the project.
It is really good for a short term output, but it's not good for the long term sustainability of the project, it will provoke community people to be high dependency and it will be more and more deteriorated increasingly, so we cannot follow to the approach of self-reliant development if the mentality of the community people is dependent. At this time, we see that there are various kinds of development approaches are being implemented in the community, but sometimes the development agencies themselves are constraints if other NGOs meanwhile they have different approaches.
For example, one NGO works with the community people by provision of huge incentive support in purpose of promoting high technology and another one just provides the training, capacity building by the usage of local innovation so it is difficult to move forward if they are working on the same area. Relating to the self-reliant development approach, we definitely need work closely with the community to determine the problem, possible solution, resources that have in the community that are able to contribute in solving the problem of the community issue. So, first of all we need to know well about the situation of the community, what is the need, what is the potential, what can we begin to start? Truly, we need to work specifically on 2 points, human capital and social capital in the community in order to make a good sustainability of our work in the local area.
Later on, I have learned that each technical innovation that we introduce to the community people is meaningful and there are a lot of things behind each innovation. What is the change of people when they apply SRI was raised to discuss during the training, so when we talk in detail relating to the technical innovation, those innovations are not just only to improve/increase the productivity but also help to change the farmers’ idea and attitude as well. Our main development is focused on the mentality or I can say it is the mind development.
People will not follow the technique we introduce if they are not changed in term of their mind. During the training, I have learned to answer on the following questions: What is the principle of self-reliant development? Is the self-reliant development suitable to the condition of Cambodia? Why? What is our activity and strategy to boost the self-reliant development? What is the initiative point for self-reliant development? What is the opportunity for us to urge the self-reliant development? What is the threat or constraint? What is the improving point or the point that is needed to be strengthened? At the end of the training, we also talked about the ecological village and as the result, 46 villages are potentially to be the ecological village in 2010.
The criteria were developed by the participants, those are presented as bellows: No plastic in the public area of the village Farmer produce compost for farming (farmer family) There are home garden over than 70% of the total family in the village Family apply SRI (System of Rice Intensification) over than 70% of the village’s family There is regulation on natural resource management in the village There is self-reliant saving group with the participation of over than 50% of the total family in the village Number of family that use chemical fertilizer is less than 10% 75% of the farmer family is the member of farmer group such as saving group, farmer association, community, etc.
There is good farmer organization in the village 50% of family in the village use hygienic latrine Number of family use bio-digester plan over than 20% Improved Cook Stove, Solar energy There is the management and rehabilitation of infrastructure in the village Conserve and use the local seed especially rice seed 100% of the total family in the village is good food security Children finish primary education at least grade 9 There is village general meeting at least 2 times per year People drink clean water
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Field monitoring to Battambang province
From 12-15 May 2008, I and Mr. Kin Mengse went to Battambang province to check whether village promoters are working well or they are not on the role. In case of Battambang province, we have not been there for 2 months since the first meetings on the introductory workshops were organized among the commune council members and village chief. It is to note that the village promoters were not selected as we lack of follow up activity with the commune chief and other relevant people. I think that CFA (Community Field Assistant) should be selected to help in running the project as we have no any staff working there.
If we have CFA, we will be able to close ourselves to the community people and local authority so that the information flow among each other will be enhanced to ensure good dissemination of AI message as well as the technique of ecological chicken raising. Anyway, we have only 4 months later to train the community people on 3 topics differently such as the message of avian influenza, ecological chicken raising, and poultry disease and its prevention method. Therefore, the we actually need to work hard in this area, otherwise we could not accomplish our expectation as the project’s plan.
Moreover, we have distributed some learning materials relating to Avian Influenza to the commune chief and other local stakeholders, such as sticker, calendar and poster. Hopefully, as many as people could get the learning materials from the commune chief and village chief so that they are aware of this issue and pay more attention to AI infection. Additionally, from 26-30 May, we plan to visit Siem Reap province, we will be able to see the progress of our project in Siem Reap province.
If we have CFA, we will be able to close ourselves to the community people and local authority so that the information flow among each other will be enhanced to ensure good dissemination of AI message as well as the technique of ecological chicken raising. Anyway, we have only 4 months later to train the community people on 3 topics differently such as the message of avian influenza, ecological chicken raising, and poultry disease and its prevention method. Therefore, the we actually need to work hard in this area, otherwise we could not accomplish our expectation as the project’s plan.
Moreover, we have distributed some learning materials relating to Avian Influenza to the commune chief and other local stakeholders, such as sticker, calendar and poster. Hopefully, as many as people could get the learning materials from the commune chief and village chief so that they are aware of this issue and pay more attention to AI infection. Additionally, from 26-30 May, we plan to visit Siem Reap province, we will be able to see the progress of our project in Siem Reap province.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Internal meeting of AIBC
On May 09, 2008 the monthly chicken working group meeting or AIBC team meeting was organized at CEDAC Phnom Penh with the participation of 12 staff from different projects in different target areas. The main agenda of the meeting is to discuss on:
- Sharing attractive information from the field
- Sharing the progress of the project
- Summing up the progress of chicken producer groups
- Reviewing the chicken marketing strategy, management structure of slaughter house, calculation method of production cost (cost of goods sold)
- Impression and Conclusion from the participants
As the result, we could know general progress of chicken producer group, for example how many chicken producer groups were already formed so far and how many groups among the total groups are functioning well in term of collective selling and other business activities. Additionally, it is to note that most of the relevant projects to AIBC3 were organizing the training on the technique of ecological chicken raising to the community people, therefore we can say that we are moving on the second round of the project’s training topics.
- Sharing attractive information from the field
- Sharing the progress of the project
- Summing up the progress of chicken producer groups
- Reviewing the chicken marketing strategy, management structure of slaughter house, calculation method of production cost (cost of goods sold)
- Impression and Conclusion from the participants
As the result, we could know general progress of chicken producer group, for example how many chicken producer groups were already formed so far and how many groups among the total groups are functioning well in term of collective selling and other business activities. Additionally, it is to note that most of the relevant projects to AIBC3 were organizing the training on the technique of ecological chicken raising to the community people, therefore we can say that we are moving on the second round of the project’s training topics.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Participated in Agribusiness Training
On 28-29 April 2008, I have participated in the trianing on agri-business trained by Dr. Yang Saing Koma, the CEDAC's president. Actually, I have understood well about the general concept of agri-business especailly its historical background, why we do it? The revolution of agri-business since the ancient time up to now, the differences of family agri-business and company agri-business and which one is socially responsible and have a good benefit to the community people. After the training, it also provided me the idea to distinguish the potential farmers for starting agri-business in our program, farmers who are really the commercial farmers, they do intend to produce agricultural product to supply for the market.
It means that we choose them as our partners in running agri-business in the community so that it is easier than we cooperate with farmers who don't want to do. Actually, we have other ways to work with normal farmers, to increase family's food consumption and to enhance the understanding on agricultural marketing strategy, while they understand well they will take effort to launch business. Finally, I would like to say that specialization and integration among local producer is a successful way in community supported agri-business. Gaining the knowledge from this training, I have provided the training on agri-business that I have learned in Phnom Penh to YCL (Young Community Leaders) in svay Rieng, the training was held on May 01, 2008. Based on my observation, they have learned to target the cooperating farmers in doing agri-business in the community.
It means that we choose them as our partners in running agri-business in the community so that it is easier than we cooperate with farmers who don't want to do. Actually, we have other ways to work with normal farmers, to increase family's food consumption and to enhance the understanding on agricultural marketing strategy, while they understand well they will take effort to launch business. Finally, I would like to say that specialization and integration among local producer is a successful way in community supported agri-business. Gaining the knowledge from this training, I have provided the training on agri-business that I have learned in Phnom Penh to YCL (Young Community Leaders) in svay Rieng, the training was held on May 01, 2008. Based on my observation, they have learned to target the cooperating farmers in doing agri-business in the community.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Field monitoring to Modulkiri province
As CEDAC has been implementing a new agriculture project for creating sustainable livelihood for Sok San indigenous community from March 2008, the project is being implemented under cooperation with WWF and it covers on 4 villages of Sok San commune, Kho Ngek district, apart of this commune is situated in the protected areas, Phnom Prich wildlife sanctuary and community forestry. To launch the project, we have contacted with the local authority at district and commune level to inform them about our present and intervention activity in this commune. Addtionally, the baseline study of those target villages were already done and the report is already written. Our main intervention is to focus on agriculture technique in order to improve the livelihood of the indigenous people in the area. At the present, most of NGOs are working on natural resoure management (NRM). At the end of April, one exchange visit for the interested farmers from Modulkiri was conducted to visit agriculture practice of farmers in Takeo province. They actually have learned well about the ecological chicken rasing, vegetable growing technique, system of rice intensification, saving group and farmer association, etc. Based on what the visitors said "they will apply ecological chicken raising first of all"
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