22-24 September 2008, CEDAC has organized a monthly coordinating team meeting of field program (FNP) with the participation of 20 staff, among them 3 are women, the meeting venue was held at the office of ILFARM-Kagn Chreach in the provincial town of Prey Veng. The purpose of the meeting was to share the progress of the development projects have been implementing by FNP, preparation of specific action plan for the next month, and consultation on cooperation among the relevant projects of FNP and other CEDAC’s components such as CILD and CC, etc.
Definitely, the field visit was included in the meeting program, totally 5 farmers in Baphnom district were met and interviewed in term of livelihood impact after cooperation with CEDAC’s projects, the interviewees are included 2 people living with HIV/AIDS in Prey Phdao village of Sdao Koang commune, 2 women farmers of vegetable farmer producer group in Tuol Phpuos village, Chheu Kach commune, another one farmer is the seller of the farmer’s community shop in Chheu Kach market.
As the result of the meeting, the participants have learned effectively the practical experience from different development projects belong to FNP and they have discussed actively the strategic approach of SRI extension which included the attention to the participatory action research on System of Rice Intensification (SRI), and the participants have finally discussed on setting up of internal Monitoring and Evaluation for FNP as it is strongly needed.