Farmer and Natural Net (FNN) is the net of ecological farmer associations, who cooperate with each other and consumers for the purpose of ensuring food sovereignty, strengthening cooperation among people, developing local economy and conserving natural resources. The net is established with initial support from CEDAC and other partners by using external development aid and donation, but later on, it is nurtured, managed, and sustained by the members, with limited external facilitating support. At national level, the net would be also linked with other farmer net, such as the net of water user community, fishery communities etc., so that it become a strong coalition for the development of family agriculture and community based natural resources management.
FNN organized a national FNN committee meeting on 15-16 July 2009 with the participation of 24 FNN committees (included 9 women or 37.5% of the total participants) who are the representatives of FNN at the provincial level, the participants are also included Mr. Oun Sophal who is the president of FNN at the national level. All of the participants come from 11 provinces, which are the coverage provinces of FNN. Please click here for more detail...