Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Presentation on SRI to the Philippino farmers

Written by Yim Sok Sophors

On July 08, 2009 I (Yim Sok Sophors) have presented about SRI (System of Rice Intensification) to 3 visitors from the Philippines. Generally, I presented about the SRI principles, 12 SRI techniques and to compare between the conventional practices and the SRI practices. What are the differences? Additional, I also presented about the activity and strategy of CEDAC in promoting and disseminating SRI in the country. To me, I think that we have exchanged knowledge and information to each other very well. During the presentation, i noted that all visitors were interested in the techniuqe of selection good seed and especially the seed purificaiton method.
It is to note that those Philippine farmers will also allocate their time to conduct field visit at the target villages of CEDAC directly. Actually, they will be able to learn more idea for the experienced farmers.