22 participants attended the workshops, included 3 CEDAC’s staffs, 14 PLAN Cambodia’s staffs, Mr. Andi Hill who is the program officer of PLAN England, 2 representatives from Provincial Department of Agriculture from Siem Reap and Kompong Cham provinces, and other 2 farmer representatives from Takeo province. It is to note that CEDAC’s staff were included Mr. Yi Kimthan, CEDAC Field Program’s Director, Mr. Yim Sok Sophors, Program Officer and Mr. Ma Veasna, Project Coordinator of CEDAC were at the workshop.

One day before the workshop at SUNWAY Hotel, Mr. Andi Hill conducted a field visit to Dombae district, Kompong Cham province on January 25, 2010 in order to seek for understanding about the situation of the proposed target district. He met a group of youth, a group of farmers and local authorities in order to learn from the situation of the target district. Mr. Yi Kim Than and Mr. Yim Sok Sophors from CEDAC also participated in the field visit at that time. Apart from the group discussion with the key informants in the villages, we have also visited the farmers’ rice field in order to learn about degraded land. During the workshop, the participants discussed actively about the designation of the proposal. Small group discussion, plenary presentation, brain storming, group work were conducted during the workshop.
The preparation of expected outputs, activities, logical framework, were achieved during the workshop. The final action to finalize the full proposal was developed and it is expected that the completed proposal will be submitted to EU Brussels on March 08, 2010. During the workshop, the participants could learn from each others and knew how to integrate their actions between CEDAC and PLAN in dealing with sustainable development, primary education, etc. All in all, the workshop could achieve all results as expected.