On January 29, 2010, CEDAC organized one-day monthly meeting with the participation of 17 participants, of whom 3 are women. Those participants are the project officers, project coordinators, program officer and director of CEDAC Field Program. Mr. Meas Somica, project coordinator, was the main facilitator of the meeting. During the meeting, the participants had reviewed the last minute of the previous meeting, discussed on writing up the annual progress report of CEDAC Field Program, discussed to identify target communes for new CEDAC’s projects that will be implemented in Prey Veng and Svay Rieng provinces. At that time, Mr. Yi Kim Than, director of CEDAC Field Program also presented in plenary about the concept notes of two development projects to the participants. Those projects are “Improving Food Security for the Most Vulnerable Families in Prey Veng province/IFS-PV” and another project ” Development of food production, farming incomes, nutrition and resilience in rural Cambodia/FF-PV&SR”.

As the result, the participants could learn from each other relating to the progress of project implementation from each target province of CEDAC Field Program. Based the information shared by the participants, it is able to know that the Village-based Farmer Organizations (VFOs) set up under the facilitation of CEDAC are more effective in terms of operating their community-led businesses and other social development activities especially those VFOs become important partners with the commune councils. Furthermore, the participants could absorb more understanding about the general concept of the project IFS-PV and FF-PV&SR so that they are quite sure about what the projects will do. Moreover, the participants committed to improve their writing skills (writing of best practices, farmers’ successful stories, etc) so that they can produce interesting case studies for the Farmer Magazine, CEDAC’s website and so forth. The meeting was ended successfully with fruitful results. On the other hand, the next meeting will be held from 01 to 03 March 2010 at the branch office of CEDAC in Kompong Chhnang province.