Mr. Yim Sok Sophors and Mr. Chhong Sophal, CEDAC’s staff, acted as the co-facilitators of the training. 25 participants who are the representatives of CBOs (paddy farmer producer groups, community-based rice mills) from Kompot and Kompong Speu Provinces and representatives of partner NGOs such as WOSO, FLD, PNKS participated in the training. Mr. Yi Kimthan, director of CEDAC Field Program and Sun Vanthanak, provincial facilitator of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) for Civil Society and Pro-Poor Market (CSPPM) project also participated in and acted the observers of the training. During the training, Mr. Yi Kimthan and Mr. Sun Vanthanak shared their knowledge and practical experiences relating paddy value chain study to the participants. Some training tools such as brainstorming, plenary discussion, small group discussion, group presentation, field practice were used to ensure that the participants could learn effectively in a participatory way. It was able to note that the participants actively shared and learned the knowledge and experiences to one another.
In conclusion, the training is very useful for the participants, they have learned and understood well about the concept of paddy value chain, methodology of conducting the paddy value chain study, understood and knew how to conduct individual interview and focus group discussion and finally the action plan was prepared among the CBOs representatives.