During their visit, the TV team interviewed Mr. Kep Chorn, a farmer who is cooperating with CEDAC to apply various agricultural innovations introduced by CEDAC on his farm. The SEA-TV team also interviewed Mr. Him Noeun, field coordinator of CEDAC, for more information about CEDAC, how CEDAC assists farmers in developing multi-purpose farms, and accomplishments of the project. After visiting and taking videos of multi-purpose farms and other agricultural innovations being implemented by participating farmers, the TV team videoed family sugar palm operations and living conditions in the rural areas.
The multi-purpose farm is an integrated agricultural innovation promoted by CEDAC since 2000, and is now being disseminated by CEDAC through two development projects: “Poverty reduction among subsistence rice farmers through the promotion of sustainable livelihood system” (PRS-EU) funded by the European Union and Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (EED); and “Integrated commercial farm for small farmers in Samrong district, Takeo province project” (ICM-SR) funded by UNDP Global Environmental Facility Small Grants Programme.
It is expected that the film will be shown on SEA-TV in February 2009 to share experiences from best-practice farmers with other farmers and stakeholders.